Mittwoch, 30. März 2016


Blue and cold is the sea
Floating like a sweet memory
What did you mean when you said
I´m dying ... slowly

I was drunken on your lips
Holding onto the bitter tears of regret
Hide away all my hidden thoughts
Those dark things crawling through my head

Your eyes avert and look into the distant sky
What did you mean
I am so far away
I´ll hunt you down and toss away your fears

I won´t bend, I won´t care
Even if you keep moving on
I will come
Even if you turn on me

I will keep moving on

Oh please let me love you

Please let me love you
my heart is true
I know you don´t want to
but I will persuede you

Please let me love you
while your heart is sad and blue
let me embrace you
leave all your pain behind

Please let me love you
I want you only
oh please let me love you
you know I want you true

Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016

The Pain I Felt All This Time

Hold me, I can´t bear to sleep,
these cold eyes in the dark,
keep staring at me,
they grab me, feel me up,
won´t let me be.

Why did he have to choose me,
Why couldn´t he let me be ?

I keep asking you but you just said,
Why didn´t you fight, what did you do ?

Nothing, I keep telling you.
I was stare, how often do I need to tell you ?

He was hunting me. Forcing me.
Grabbing me. Pushing and whispering.

There is nothing you can do. Just give in. It´s just a kiss.
It´s just a touch. And I kept running. Avoiding.

Until he stands before me. Until barely covered in a bathrobe.
He is pushing onto me - pulling on my robes and only a bell is saving me.

That´s the day, she could see, that was the day she couldn´t ignore it anymore.

Donnerstag, 17. September 2015

I told her to leave ya

You´re running to fast
crawling in between the lines
dance right into my face
leave my eyes bleeding over you
take it by some force won´t ya

So I told her to leave ya
cause you´re my one and only
and I would give you no one at all

Freitag, 17. April 2015

Waving Flags

Waving flags are dancing above the towers of London
calling you home
If you´ve seen the shores of this raw island
you´ll earn for it, when the sun is warming your face
you´ll dream about it, if rough wind strokes your hair
when the first dew of morning is glittering on the gras
you´ll wish the ground under your feet were a land called England.

Donnerstag, 9. April 2015

Misty Mountains The last of the Mohicans

The Wind is floating around the misty mountain,
the echos of voices are flowing up,
her hair is being pulled through the trees,
a shot, a fall, her eyes turn to coal,
hands are pulling on her, pulling her up,
dragging her to move forward,
dark unknowing eyes look at her,
but she is out of reach,
she moves closer to the edge,
the wind is blowing in her hair that almost glows golden in the sun,
one more step she does,
there is no sound, nothing more than the crumbling of her clothes.
And she is gone.

Fields of golden Dreams - T.W.H.

Love is a truth that will scare the darkest clouds away,
it will clean you to the deepest parts of your soul,
I was once so blind,
Love is indeed the only treasure,
The sky was so dark I couldn´t see what was right in front of me,
but your voice turned them all away,
now my vision is full of the brightest blue,
and even the sun has turned it´s burning coal,
what once burned is now soathing my withered soul,
your smile is the taste of the field I failed to see,
a field of golden dreams.